Spiritual Life Check-Up

Developed by The Rev. William D. Booth

I.     Blood Type: Are you now a Christian? Have you been baptized?

II.    Red Blood Cells: (oxygen carriers that prevent anemia):

  • Devotional life
    • How meaningful is Sunday morning worship to you?
    • How meaningful is private worship to you?
    • Do you feel you are becoming more acquainted with God? In what ways?
    • Is meditation a part of your spiritual walk? Describe.
  • Intellectual life
    • Are your doubts and questions being answered? If yes, how?
    • Do you feel you know the Bible? What help do you need?
    • Do you understand basic concepts of theology—justification, regeneration, sanctification, gifts of the Spirit, etc.? What help do you need?
    • In what areas of intellectual life (explaining your faith, theology, practical application, Bible knowledge, body, life etc.) are you strong and in which are you weak?

III.   White Blood Cells (disease fighters for inner spiritual cleansing and renewing):

  • Do you feel you are a more accepting, forgiving, loving person than you have been?
  • Do you feel you are stronger against temptations (to be impatient, angry, greedy, lustful, etc.)?
  • Do you feel your self-esteem is healthy?
  • Do you see yourself becoming purer in motive, thoughts, and lifestyle?
  • Do you find yourself usually encouraging others or competing with others?
  • Do you occasionally tear another person down in jest or in anger?
  • How is the Holy Spirit helping you become whole?

±õ³Õ.ÌýÌýÌý±Ê±ô²¹³Ù±ð±ô±ð³Ù²õ (blood clotters that stanch the wounds of living in a hurting world):

  • Have you found someone to help bear the burdens of life?
  • Do you find you can share your inner joys, hopes, and dreams?
  • When someone in jest or in anger tears you down how do you handle it?
  • When you fail, what happens within you?
  • When you succeed, what happens within you?

VI.   Blood Pressure (hypertension and exercise)

  • Are you able to turn your finances over to God and tithe, trusting Him to supply?
  • Are you able to turn your vocation over to God to use you how and where he wants?
  • Are you learning to let go of the desire for things?
  • Are you able to exercise your gifts within the body of Christ? What do you see as your gifts?
  • Are you able to explain to others in the community why you are a Christian? Any problems here?
  • How much are you concerned for those who are less fortunate, wanting to share with them the gospel and the helping hand?
  • How concerned are you with injustices and other social evils?

VII.   Tired Blood (from an imbalanced spiritual diet)

  • Is your life balanced? How do you deal with pressure?  Do you have regular time for family, recreation, personal growth, etc.?
  • Do you feel you have a balance of worship, study, and service to stay in shape?