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Course Descriptions

AENG 0100 INTRODUCTION TO AEROSPACE ENGINEERING. 1st Semester Lect. 1, Lab. 0,1 credit.

This course includes a historical background on the evolution of manned atmospheric and space flight vehicles, and an introduction to aerospace science and the engineering profession.  Other topics include introductory discussions on concepts of aerodynamics, airplane performance, propulsion, stability, structures.


Topics include an Introduction to Engineering Graphics, visualization, Cartesian and Polar coordinates, use of Solid Modeling Software, Computer Aided Design techniques, drafting and sketching of aircraft components in NX5.0. Class projects include: NX5.0 assembly, CNC machining, bottle rocket design, introduction to NASTRAN, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and other relevant software. Pre/Co-requisite: AENG 0100

AENG 0242. AEROSPACE STRUCTURES I. 2nd  Semester. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

This course introduces the concepts of stresses and strain in elastic members under tension, compression, shear, torsion and flexure, also covered are; combined stresses, Mohr’s circles, thin pressure vessels, bending moment and shear force diagrams for beams, column buckling, strain energy. Prerequisite: MENG 0211.

AENG 0244. AERODYNAMICS I. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

Introduction to the mechanics of fluids for aerospace applications, including the properties of fluids, hydrostatics, theequations of motion, dimensional analysis, potential flow, viscosity, boundary layers, and an introduction to aerodynamic forces. Prerequisites: MATH 0209, MENG 0211.

AENG 0267. INTRODUCTION TO FLIGHT MECHANICS. 1st Semester, Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3credits.

This course covers un-accelerated and accelerated flight conditions including range, endurance, turning flight, takeoff and landing, legal and compliance issues and implications on aircraft design. Computer software will be utilized to demonstrate design implications.  Prerequisite: AENG 0100, PHYS 0310 or MENG 0211.

AENG 0317. AEROSPACE INSTRUMENTATION. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, Lab. 3, 4 credits.  

Basic theory and principles of engineering and science as applied to measurement of parameters of interest in aerospace studies. Topics of equal importance include: data processing, error evaluation, calibration procedures, design of experiments, elementary circuit analysis and report writing. Prerequisites: AENG 0242 or AENG 0244 and MENG 0237.

AENG 0340. FUNDAMENTALS OF SPACE MECHANICS. 1st  Semester. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

Introduction to the dynamics of aerospace vehicles capable of attaining orbit and/or space travel. Topics include: descriptions of vehicle motion, Kepler’s laws, orbital elements, ballistic trajectories and orbital flight dynamics. Prerequisites: MENG 0212.

AENG 0342. AEROSPACE STRUCTURES II. 2nd Semester, Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

Introduction to aerospace structures and materials, elasticity, torsion, flexural loading, flexural shear and shear flow in thin walled sections. Prerequisite: MATH 0208, AENG 0242; Pre/Co-requisite: CSCI 0205 or CSCI 0229.

AENG 342L. AEROSPACE STRUCTURES II LABORATORY. 2nd Semester. Lect. 0, Lab. 3, 1 credit.

Weekly laboratory experiences to supplement the AENG 0342 lecture. Pre/Co-requisite: AENG 0342.

AENG 0344. AERODYNAMICS II. 2nd Semester. Lect. 4, Lab. 0, 4 credits.

Fundamental analysis of the basic equations of fluid mechanics as applied to aerodynamics. Topics covered include: potential flow, predictions of pressure distributions on airfoil surfaces, lift, drag and moment characteristics of airfoils in subsonic and supersonic flows and, lift and drag characteristics of wings in subsonic flows. Prerequisites: AENG 0244. Pre/Co-requisite: CSCI 0205 or CSCI 0229.

AENG 0344L AERODYNAMICS II LABORATORY. 2nd Semester. Lect. 0, Lab. 3, 1 credit.

Weekly laboratory experiences to supplement the AENG 0344 lecture. Pre/Co-requisite: AENG 0344

AENG 0346. FUNDAMENTALS OF PROPULSION. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.  

Introduction to the fluid mechanics and thermodynamics required for the analysis and design of aerospace propulsion engines. Topics include: elementary propeller theory, thermodynamic analysis of various types of jet, rocket and other engines in aerospace use, effects of installation, velocity and atmospheric conditions on engine performance, noise, emissions, environmental 191 considerations and appropriate standards. Prerequisites: MENG 0311; Pre/Co-requisite: CSCI 0205 or CSCI 0229 and AENG 344.

AENG 346L. FUNDAMENTALS OF PROPULSION LABORATORY. 1st Semester. Lect. 0, Lab. 3, 1 credit.

Weekly laboratory experiences to supplement the AENG 0346 lecture. Co-requisite: AENG 0346.

AENG 0367. AEROSPACE DESIGN AND ANALYSIS-1. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.  

This course covers techniques for estimating aircraft weight, power and wing loading and sizing to meet performance design requirements. Use of computer software for conceptual design and project design methods will be introduced. The course serves as a starting point for the senior flight vehicle design project. Prerequisites: AENG 0200, AENG 0267.Ìý

AENG 0370. AIRCRAFT STABILITY AND CONTROL. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

This course begins with a review of the aerodynamics of flight, then covers flight vehicles as rigid bodies considering their longitudinal, directional and lateral static stability. Preliminary sizing of horizontal and vertical stabilizing and control surfaces for various flight conditions. Dynamic stability is introduced. Prerequisite: AENG 0367, AENG 0344; Pre/Co-requisite: MATH 0307.

AENG 0390. ENGINEERING ETHICS AND SOCIETY. 1st  and 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

This course provides the student with an understanding of the nature of engineering ethics in the societal context and discusses contemporary ethical issues in the engineering profession through illustrative case studies. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing.

AENG 0392. AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR. 2nd Semester. Lect. 1, Lab. 0, 1 credit.

Phases of aerospace engineering design project methodology, a quality approach, and preliminary investigative efforts for the senior design project . Prerequisite: Junior standing

AENG 0401. SENIOR SEMINAR. 2nd Semester. Lect. 1, Lab. 0, 1 credit.

The senior seminar covers aspects of being a professional aerospace engineer and current engineering practice, through exposure to seminars presented by guest from government, academia and industry. Each student will write a technical paper and make a presentation on the topic. Prerequisite: senior standing.

AENG 0417. ADVANCED INSTRUMENTATION. On demand. Lect. 2, Lab. 3, 3 credits.

Advanced theory and principles of sensors used in engineering and science to measure parameters in aerospace engineering. Topics include design and fabrication of sensors and a technical project requiring a written and oral presentation. Prerequisite: AENG 0317.

AENG 0418. COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION. On demand. Lect. 2, Lab. 3, 3 credits.

Introduction to topics of special interest in the area of advanced computational simulation (computational fluid dynamics (CFD), flight simulation) and numerical analysis are topics covered in this course. Prerequisites:  CSCI 0205 or CSCI 0229, AENG 0344, and MATH 0307.

AENG 0420. COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND FABRICATION. On demand. Lect. 1, Lab. 6, 3 credits.

This course will cover the advanced use of the computer in the design, analysis and fabrication of aerospace vehicles, vehicle components and systems. Manufacturing processes for aerospace vehicles and systems will also be introduced. Prerequisites: CSCI 0205 or CSCI 0229, AENG 0342.

AENG 0441. E.I.T. REVIEW. Lect. 2, Lab. 0, 0 credits. Review of the fundamentals of engineering science. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

AENG 0442. AEROSPACE STRUCTURES III. On demand. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

This course considers the advanced analysis of aerospace vehicle structural components, and an introduction to the fundamentals of the finite element solution of structural problems with a digital computer. Prerequisites: AENG 0342, MATH 0307,  CSCI 0205 or CSCI 0229, senior standing.

AENG 0443. INTRODUCTION TO AEROELASTICITY. On demand. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

This course covers the static aero-elastic phenomena of wing divergence and control. Free, forced and damped vibrations of aircraft structures and two dimensional flutter theory are also discussed. Prerequisites: AENG 0342, AENG 0344 and senior standing.

AENG 0444. AERODYNAMICS III. On demand. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

A continuation of AENG 0344 covering the fundamentals of compressible flow, normal and oblique shocks; subsonic, transonic and supersonic aerodynamics and design of supersonic aircraft. Prerequisites: AENG 0344, MATH 0307 and CSCI 0205 or CSCI 0229.

AENG 0454. AIRCRAFT ENGINES. On demand. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

A continuation of AENG 0346 emphasizing more detailed analysis of the thermodynamics and aerodynamics of aircraft propulsion systems. Aspects of design of engines will be covered. Prerequisites:  AENG 0344, AENG 0346, senior standing.

AENG 0456. AEROSPACE ENGINE DESIGN AND ANALYSIS. On demand. Lect. 2, Lab. 3, 3 credits.

Detailed internal aero-thermodynamic analysis of gas turbine power plants; topics may include engine component analysis and design, optimization of overall performance, an introduction to combustion, plasma dynamics and other contemporary propulsion issues. Prerequisites: AENG 0344, AENG 0346, senior standing.

AENG 0460. AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROLS. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

The principles and techniques of automatic controls are treated in this course. Topics include: examples of modern flight control systems in aerospace engineering, steady and transient performance of second order systems, root locus and frequency response analysis. Prerequisite: MATH 0307. Pre/Co-requisite: AENG 0370.

AENG 0460L. AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROLS LABORATORY. 2nd Semester. Lect. 0, Lab. 3, 1 credits.

Weekly laboratory experiences to supplement the AENG 0460 lecture.  Pre/Co-requisite: AENG 0460

AENG 0467. FLIGHT VEHICLE DESIGN. 2nd Semester. Lect. 4, Lab. 0, 4 credits.

This course provides the capstone design experience, reviewing and applying the concepts learned from aerodynamics, structures, propulsion and stability and control to the design of an aircraft. Students will present both oral and written reports on their aircraft design. Prerequisites: AENG 0342, AENG 0344, AENG 0346, and senior standing. Pre/Co-requisities: AENG 0370.

AENG 0468. SATELLITE DESIGN. On demand. Lect. 2, Lab. 3, 3 credits.

Introduction to the design of small satellites, including aspects of orbital mechanics, power and propulsion, sensors, communication and the space environment. Group design projects will simulate some component of a practical satellite. All engineering disciplines are encouraged to take this course. Prerequisite: AENG 0340 or Departmental approval.

AENG 0469. ADVANCED SPACE MECHANICS. On demand. Lect. 2, Lab. 3, 3 credits.

This course investigates powered and un-powered orbital trajectories, methods used in advanced trajectory analysis and mission design, spacecraft stability and control and other space related topics. Prerequisite: AENG 0340.

AENG 0472. COMPOSITE MATERIALS. 2nd Semester. Lect. 2, Lab. 3, 3 credits.

Introduction to aerospace composite materials and structures: types of fibers used, thermosetting and thermoplastic matrix systems, mechanics of lamina and laminate. Students are introduced to manufacturing processes and testing through hands-on work. Prerequisites: AENG 0342.

AENG 0473. NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION. 1st Semester, Lect. 2, Lab. 3, 3 credits.

Introducing the importance of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) in engineering safety and reliability, principles and applications of liquid penetrant, ultrasonic, eddy current, magnetic particle, acoustic emissions and other emerging NDE techniques. Prerequisite: AENG 0317.

AENG 0477. INTRODUCTION TO HELICOPTER ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. On demand. Lect. 2, Lab. 3, 3 credits.

This course introduces the function, structure and design of helicopter components and systems. Helicopter aerodynamics, performance and control during hover, vertical and forward flight are also discussed. Prerequisites: AENG 0344, AENG 0346, and senior standing.  Pre/Co-requisities: AENG 0344.

AENG 0478. INTRODUCTION TO MISSILE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. On demand. Lect. 2, Lab. 3, 3 credits.

This course covers the function and structure of the main missile components, missile aerodynamics, propulsion and stability and control. Missile navigation and guidance as well as other design considerations will be covered. Prerequisites: AENG 0344, AENG 0346, and senior standing. Pre/Co-requisite: AENG 0370.

AENG 0491. AEROSPACE RESEARCH. On demand. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

This activity involves scientific study in an approved field offering the opportunity for independent, directed study on an aerospace engineering phenomena. Students are required to report all findings in an approved technical format. Prerequisite: senior standing and Departmental approval.

AENG 0492. AEROSPACE DESIGN PROJECT. On demand. 1st Semester. Lect. 2, Lab. 3, 3 credits.

Comprehensive analysis and design of an aerospace product or system. Findings are to be presented throughout the semester in oral and written form as well as in a final written and formal presentation. Prerequisites: Senior standing and Departmental approval.

AENG 0493. SPECIAL TOPICS. On demand. Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

Topics of special interest to the faculty and students. Prerequisites: Senior standing and Departmental approval.

AENG 0510. INTRODUCTION TO TURBULENCE AND CHAOS. On demand, Lect. 3, Lab. 0, 3 credits.

This course provides students with basic definitions, concepts, principles and tools necessary to study turbulence. Topics include: Navier-Stokes equations and turbulence, theoretical, experimental and computational methods, chaos and nonlinearity. Prerequisites: Graduate standing, instructor's approval.