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Biology Courses

BIOL 0111. GENERAL BIOLOGY I. 1st Semester, Summer, On Demand. Lect. 3, 3 credits. An introductory course open to non-biology or non-science majors in which particular emphasis is given to the impact of biological phenomena on human related problems. Includes main aspect ofcell structure, function, reproduction, and control mechanisms. Aspects of evolution and mechanisms of heredity are also discussed. The introduction to ecology stresses the effects of man and man-made products on regional and world-wide ecological systems.

BIOL 0112. GENERAL BIOLOGY II. 2nd Semester, Summer, On Demand. Lect. 3, 3 credits. An introductory course open to non-biology or non-science majors. The course presents a brief survey of the diversity of living organisms, their interactions with each other and the microenvironment in which they live. The major details of human anatomy and physiology are discussed as well as the effects of disease. Discussions of animal behavior complete the major components of the course.

BIOL 0100. FRESHMAN BIOLOGY SEMINAR. 1st or 2nd Semester. Lect./Lab. 2 hours, 1 credit hour. An introductory biology course required of majors. This course is designed to assist students in transition to the academic community and to increase student awareness of the breadth of career opportunities available to the qualified biology major. Emphasis is placed on theacquisition of academic and management skills, developing an awareness of career options, and the use of microcomputers as learning and information management tools.

BIOL 0120. ORGANISMIC BIOLOGY. 2nd Semester, Summer, On Demand. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Designed for potential biology majors. The course deals with diversity, morphology, physiology, relationships and importance of animals, plants and other organisms. 

BIOL 0121. ORGANISMIC BIOLOGY LABORATORY. 2nd Semester, Summer, On Demand. Lab 2, 1 credit. An introductory level laboratory course to correlate with Biology 120. A survey of organisms and their evolutionary relationship is the main focus of the course content. The anatomical features of representative specimens from the five kingdoms are studied. Experiments demonstrating various physiological processes are also included. Corequisite: BIOL 0120.

BIOL 0140. ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY. 1st and 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. An introductory course offered to potential biology majors, minors and students seeking to fulfill the general science requirement. An examination of ecological principles and environmental problems. 

BIOL 0141. ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY LABORATORY. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lab 1, 1 credit. A laboratory course to coordinate with Biology 140. Experiments and field trips demonstrating ecological principles, environmental problems. Prerequisite: concurrent or previous registration in BIOL 0140. 

BIOL 0230. CELL AND GENETIC BIOLOGY. 1st Semester, Summer, On Demand. Lect. 3, 3 credits. A sophomore level course designed specifically for science-oriented curricula and students seeking to fulfill the general science requirement. The course introduces the student to the chemical basis of life, contemporary concepts of the morphology and physiology of cell membranes, cellular organelles and basic genetic principles.

BIOL 0231. CELL AND GENETIC BIOLOGY LABORATORY. 1st Semester, Summer on Demand. Lab 2, 1 credit. A sophomore level course offered to correlate with BIOL 0230. Instructions are given in the use of light microscopy, measurement and data collection and analysis. Experiments are designed to address cell structure/function relationships, chemical reactivity, cell respiration, Mendelian and human genetics and evaluation. Corequisite BIOL 0230.

BIOL 0250. MOLECULAR CELL AND GENETIC BIOLOGY. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits.  A course designed for biology majors at the sophomore level. Emphasis is on fundamentals of biochemistry and molecular aspects of genetics. Topics covered include bioenergetics, cellular metabolism, structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids, genetic engineering and gene regulation. Prerequisite: Biology Majors or permission of the Instructor. BIOL 0230/0231, CHEM 0231. Corequisite: BIOL 0251.

BIOL 0251. MOLECULAR CELL AND GENETIC BIOLOGY. 2nd Semester. Lab 3, 1 credit. Basic biochemical or molecular cell biology techniques, strategies and findings. Topics correlate with Biology 0250. Prerequisites: Biology Majors or permission of the Instructor. BIOL 0230/0231, CHEM 0231. Corequisite: BIOL 0250.

BIOL 0204. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. Morphology, physiology, phylogeny, taxonomy, and ecology of the invertebrate phyla. Prerequisite: BIOL 0120/0121 or Permission of Instructor.

BIOL 0206. GENERAL BOTANY. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, Lab 2, 4 credits. Survey of the Plant Kingdom. Emphasis on the flowering Plants (Angiosperms): morphology, growth characteristics, anatomy, physiology, reproduction and ecology.

BIOL 0207. PLANT TAXONOMY. On Demand. Lect. 2, Lab 3, 3 credits. Identification of major flowering plants of Macon County. Classification of flowering plants. Field trips. Prerequisite: BIOL 0112 or 0120, or 0206 or consent of instructor.

BIOL 0211. GENERAL PLANT SCIENCE. 2nd Semester. Lect. 2, Lab 3, 3 credits. Same as Plant and Soil Science 211. Introduction to the fundamental plant processes and a survey of horticultural and agronomic plants and practices. 

BIOL 0301. GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer on Demand. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Emphasis on bacteria, their growth and control, composition and structure, nutrition and metabolism, classification, ecology, role in nature and significance to man. Consideration is also given to other microbial forms. Prerequisite: BIOL 0111 or 0230.

BIOL 0303. GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer on Demand. Lab 2, 1 credit. A laboratory course to correlate with BIOL 0301. Corequisite: BIOL 0301.

BIOL 0302. VERTEBRATE EMBRYOLOGY. On Demand. Lect. 3, Lab 4, 4 credits. A study in the comparative development of vertebrate embryos with special emphasis on the frog, chick and pig. In addition to developmental anatomy the course will extend into developmental genetics, cellular differentiation, and developmental organic evolution. Prerequisite: BIOL B120, 0230 and 0250 or consent of the instructor.

BIOL 0305. ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer on Demand. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. A lecture/laboratory study of vertebrate systems with special emphasis on circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, nervous responses, endocrine control, and reproduction. Prerequisite: One year of biology and one year of chemistry.

BIOL 0309. GENETICS. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lect. 3, Lab 2, 4 credits. This introductory course presents a balanced treatment of the three major areas of genetics: classical, population and molecular. Fundamental microorganisms are also discussed. Classical and molecular laboratory exercises are designed to promote understanding of concepts and interpretation of observed phenomena. Prerequisite: BIOL 0230, 0250/0251, MATH 0107 or permission of instructor.

BIOL 0310. COMPARATIVE VERTEBRATE ANATOMY. On Demand. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. A comparative study of the structure of representative vertebrate organisms. Prerequisite: BIOL 0230, 0120 and 0140.

BIOL 0311. GENERAL ECOLOGY. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. A study of the relationships between organisms and their environments. Emphasis on field work. Prerequisite: Three semesters of biology.

BIOL 0315. GENERAL NEUROBIOLOGY. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. This course is designed to provide the student with basic information in Neurobiology through lecture and laboratory sessions. Lectures include Gross Anatomy of the nervous system and the general divisions of the brain; organization and functions of the nervous system; membrane biophysics; nerve and muscle relationships; physical excitation and nervous control of the heart; nervous control of body functions; special senses; neutral plasticity, learning and memory. Laboratory sessions include dissection of sheep brain, learning the ionic basis of action potential generation in squid axon using the computer program “neurosim”. Voltage clamp experiments and ion channel reconstitution in bilayer membranes are performed. Prerequisite: BIOL 0120/0121, 0230/0231.

BIOL 0340. CELL BIOLOGY. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. A study of the modern aspects of structure-function relationships in the cell and its organelles. Prerequisite: Three semesters of biology, one year of chemistry, junior or higher standing.

BIOL 0360. BIOCHEMISTRY OF CELL REGULATION. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Fundamental principles of biochemistry (protein structure and function, conformational change, kinetics, thermodynamics, equilibrium, etc.) are covered. Cell biology topics will include plasma membrane and membrane proteins, cell signaling cascades, regulation of gene transcription and translation, regulation of the cell cycle, cancer and oncogenes, nerve transmission, and immune response. Also listed as CHEM 360. Prerequisite: BIOL 250; CHEM 231 and 232. Corequisite: CHEM 320.

BIOL 0361. INTRODUCTION TO METHODS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2nd Semester, Lab 3, 1 credit. Methods for the isolation, purification, and assay of biomolecules from tissue, plants, food, or cell extracts. Methods will include biochemical assays, spectroscopy, chromatography, and electrophoresis. Also listed as CHEM 361. Prerequisite: BIOL 251; CHEM 233 and 234. Corequisite: CHEM 322.

BIOL 0400. UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer on Demand. 1-3 credits. Independent research on a biological subject under the guidance of a faculty member. Interested students should determine the type of problem they wish to investigate and consult the faculty member with whom they wish to work. Upon approval by the faculty advisor and Department Head, a student may register for 1-3 hours credit. No more than three hours may be counted toward major requirements. Prerequisite: junior, senior standing.

BIOL 0401/0402. SEMINAR IN BIOLOGY. 1st and 2nd Semesters. 1 credit. Required of all majors. Designed to familiarize the student with biological literature and its use in the formal presentation of scientific information. Prerequisite: Senior standing.BIOL 0404. GENERAL HISTOLOGY. On Demand. Lect. 3, Lab 4, 4 credits. A study of the microscopic anatomy of vertebrate tissues and organs as demonstrated by both the light microscope and the electron microscope. Prerequisite: a minimum of 16 hours of biology.

BIOL 0410. MICROTECHNIQUE. On Demand. Lect. 1, Lab 6, 3 credits. Preparation of animal and plant tissues for microscopic study. Prerequisite: A minimum of eight hours of biology and one year of chemistry.

BIOL 0450. MORE SEMINAR IN BIOLOGY. 1st and 2nd Semester. 1 credit. The MORE Seminar will be offered as a 1 credit per semester course (providing up to 4 credits for undergraduates) and is designed on a one year (2 semester) rotation. The classes will be developed as formal presentations by faculty (local and invited) and/or panel discussions of case studies led by students or faculty on issues concerning the responsible conduct of science. Formal presentations of scientific findings by students and/or faculty (local and invited) will also be an integral part of the course as will "journal club" presentations and discussions led by students. Permission of instructor required. 

BIOL 0451. BIOMEDICAL LITERATURE AND DATA ANALYSIS. 1st or 2nd Semester. 1 credit. A course to introduce students to information resources at their disposal (Biological Abstracts, Index Medicus, Science Citations, Current Contents, Reviews, Symposia, computer searches, microfilm, interlibrary loan, reprints) and to develop skill in the critical analysis of scientific papers. Permission of instructor required.

BIOL 0452. COMPUTER ASSISTED BIOSTATISTICS. 1st or 2nd Semester. 1 credit. Designed to provide an opportunity for outstanding students to study advanced topics not covered in required courses. The student is expected to work independently under the supervision and with the assistance of a staff member. Permission of instructor required. 

BIOL O500. HISTORY OF BIOLOGY. On Demand. Lect. 2, 2 credits. This is a lecture and discussion course intended to familiarize the student with the accomplishments and philosophies of the individuals responsible for the development and advancement of biology as a science. Emphasis will be placed on discoveries and ideas which influenced the direction of subsequent biological study.

BIOL 0501. PROTOZOOLOGY. On Demand. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 3 credits. Morphology, physiology, life history and adaptations of protozoa. Prerequisite: One year of biology or consent of instructor.

BIOL 0502. ADVANCED MICROBIOLOGY. 1st Semester. Lect. 2, Lab 3, 3 credits. Introduction to microbial biochemistry and physiology, nutrition, growth, composition, metabolism, and regulation in the context of macro-molecular organization of selected bacteria. Prerequisite. BIOL 0301.

BIOL 0503. EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY. 1st Semester. Lect. 1, Lab 6, 4 credits. A laboratory course designed to provide an introduction to methods, experimental techniques and instruments used in biomedical research. Biochemical theory will be discussed for justification of "best" experimental procedures.

BIOL 0505. PARASITOLOGY. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. The fundamental principles governing parasites of man and domestic animals. Emphasis is given to the physiology, morphology, life history, diagnosis, control and host-parasite relationships. Labs will include most recent techniques for collecting and preserving parasitological specimens. Prerequisite: minimum of 12 hours of biology, junior or higher standing or consent of the instructor.

BIOL 0507. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. On Demand. Lect. 2, Lab 6, 4 credits. Fundamental concepts of functions and metabolism in seed plants, including physical and chemical concepts of osmosis, diffusion, water relations, photosynthesis, respiration, enzymes, growth and development and growth regulators. Prerequisites: 16 hours of Biology, CHEM 0320 and Junior Standing.

BIOL 0509. PHYSIOLOGICAL GENETICS. On Demand. Lect. 3, 3 credits. The basic principles of molecular genetics with detailed study of structure function, control and alteration of the individual gene; to include current techniques used in the study of molecular genetics. Emphasis will be placed on eukaryotic and developing systems. Prerequisite: minimum 16 hours of biology and BIOL 0309 or permission of the instructor.

BIOL 0510. ANIMAL BEHAVIOR. On Demand. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. An introduction to animal behavior, with emphasis on the animal's relationship to the environment, the ontogeny of behavior, and the physiological basis of behavior. Prerequisite: Minimum of 15 hours in biology.

BIOL 0511. VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. On Demand. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. A course designed to acquaint the student with the biology of vertebrate populations in their natural habitats. Prerequisite: 15 hours in biology.

BIOL 0513. GENERAL ENTOMOLOGY. Alternate 1st Semesters. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. Biology, recognition, and modern methods of controlling major insect pests of plants and animals. Prerequisite: one year of biology and/or Instructor’s Permission.

BIOL 0515. MEDICAL MYCOLOGY. On Demand. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. A study of the fungi which cause superficial, intermediate and systemic mycoses in man and other mammals.  The laboratory will consist of an in-depth study of the morphology of common contaminants and of pathogenic species of fungi.

BIOL 0518. IMMUNOLOGY. On Demand. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. The basic principles of immunity and hypersentivity, mechanisms of antibody formation, chemical and physical characteristics of antigens and antibodies, auto-immunity phenomena, allergy and transplantation immunity.

BIOL 0519. HUMAN GENETICS. Alternate 2nd Semesters. Lect. 3, 3 credits. A modern presentation of the principles of human genetics which emphasizes classical and molecular approaches to understanding the nature of the gene. Information will be derived from family, pedigree, population and molecular studies. Prerequisites: BIOL 0309, MATH 0107, one year of chemistry or permission of the instructor.

BIOL 0540. FOUNDATIONS OF CANCER BIOLOGY. 1st or 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, Lab 0, 3 credits. This course will encompass the fundamentals of cell biology that underlie cancer and cancer progression. In doing so, it will examine selected cutting-edge approaches and findings from the areas of basic cancer research, clinical studies, and community research focusing on prevention and intervention strategies. Prerequisite: Graduate or advanced undergraduate status and two of the following three courses or their equivalents: BIOL 309, BIOL 340, BIOL 360; or permission of instructor.

BIOL 0560. CYTOGENETICS. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, Lab 4, 4 credits. An indepth study of chromosomes; their chemistry, structure, function, aberrations, and behavior. Emphasis will be placed on the human chromosomal complement. Prerequisite: 16 hours of biology to include BIOL 0309.

BIOL 0561. ADVANCED CYTOGENETIC METHODOLOGY. On Demand. Lect. 2, Lab 6, 4 credits. An in-depth presentation of the methodologies of chromosome study. Emphasis will be placed on hands on laboratory experience in (a) culture of cell types used in cytogenetic diagnosis; (b) preparation and recognition of banded chromosomes; (c) recognition of the major types of numerical and structural chromosome abnormalities and (d) photomicrographic principles and techniques including visible and fluorescent light techniques, the interactions of light with film and the preparation of prints from negatives. These topics will be considered in the context of modern cytogenetic studies. Prerequisite: BIOL 0309 and an additional 12 hours in biological sciences.

BIOL 0565. BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2nd Semester. Lect. 2, Lab 6, 4 credits. This course is designed to introduce advanced undergraduates and graduate students to basic recombinant DNA techniques including growth and manipulation of phages and their bacterial hosts; isolation, quantitation, and electrophoretic analysis of DNA; restriction and ligation of DNA cloning in lambda, M13 and plasmid vectors; and site-specific mutagenesis. The focus of the course is hands-on experimentation; however, time will be devoted to discussion of the application of these and other techniques to a variety of research problems. By the end of the course, the student should have a working knowledge of basic recombinant technology, should have an introductory knowledge of more specialized techniques and should be familiar with the terminology and resource literature of genetic engineering. Prerequisite: BIOL 0230/0231, 0250/0251, 0301/0303. 

BIOL 0595. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS. 1st and 2nd Semesters. 1-3 credits. Special work, such as directed reading, independent study of research, supervised library, laboratory or fieldwork, or presentation of material not available in the formal courses of the department. Upon approval by the faculty advisor and Department Head, a student may register for 1-3 hours credit. The field in which the work is offered will be indicated in the student's record. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing.

BIOL 0596. NEUROSCIENCE. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. Course will consist of instruction through lecture and laboratory sessions. Lectures will include: introduction to the nervous system, cellular neuroscience, synaptic functions, structure and function of biological membranes, ion transport through membranes, physiology of ion channels, mechanism of receptor regulation, functional reconstitution of membranes, phospholipid bilayers, neural plasticity, learning and memory. Laboratory sessions will include dissection of sheep brain, making patch pipettes, bilayer formation on bimolecular lipid membrane chamber and reconstitution of receptor proteins on large and small bilayers, multi and single channel recordings, computer analysis of single channel data. Prerequisite: BIOL 0120/0121, 0230/0231.

BIOL 0604. GENERAL CYTOLOGY. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. Morphology, chemical organization, and function of cytoplasmic and nuclear components of the cell. Cytological and cytochemical techniques. Prerequisite: course in organic chemistry and consent of instructor. 

BIOL 0605. EXPERIMENTAL PARASITOLOGY. On Demand. Lect. 2, Lab 3, 3 credits. An advanced study encompassing animal parasites. Included are adaptations to parasitism, hostparasite relationships, immunological aspects and experimental procedures employed in the analysis of parasitism. Prerequisite: BIOL 0505 or its equivalent.

BIOL 0610. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. On Demand. Lect. 3, 3 credits. A lecture discussion course with emphasis on gene structure, mutation, evolution, genetic load and expression, the biochemical consequences of these on DNA replication, RNA transcription, and protein synthesis. Attention will also be focused on the molecular basis of regulatory mechanisms in living systems.

BIOL 0620. PHYTOHORMONE AND VITAMINS. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Same as Plant & Soil Science 650. Chemistry, physiology and practical application of phytohormone, vitamins in development of plants. Prerequisite: BIOL 0507 or its equivalent. 

BIOL 0630. EXPERIMENTAL EMBRYOLOGY. Offered on Demand. Lect. 2, Lab 4, 4 credits. An analysis of development in the embryo and other morphogenetic systems as revealed by experimentation. Included are topics and experiments in classical experimental embryology, chemical embryology, tissue interaction, hormonal control of development of regeneration. Prerequisite: BIOL 0302, or its equivalent.

BIOL 0640. EXPERIMENTAL CYTOLOGY. Offered on Demand. Lect. 1, Lab 5, 3 credits. Discussions of current problems in some areas of cytological research. Selection of and experimentation with a research problem by individuals in the course form the main direction for discussion. Prerequisite: BIOL 0604 or equivalent and instructor's consent.

BIOL 0650. BIOLOGY SEMINAR. 1st and 2nd Semesters. 1 credit. Required of all graduate students in biology. Review of literature and research in the various areas of biology to be presented orally. Each student will be advised by a member of the graduate faculty in biology. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in biology. BIOL 0651. SAME AS BIOL 0650 BIOLOGY SEMINAR. BIOL 0652. TOPICS IN MODERN BIOLOGY. 1st and 2nd Semesters. 1 credit. A one-semester course in which the main theme or topic for discussion during any semester will vary from year to year. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

BIOL 0700. RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer on Demand. 1-6 credits. Arranged under supervision of a major advisor in the specific area of research interest. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

BIOL 0752. CONTINUOUS REGISTRATION. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer on Demand. 0 credit. For students writing a thesis and/or studying for examinations.

BIOL 0754. CANDIDATE FOR DEGREE. 0 credit. For students who have finished all requirements and are graduating that semester.